Occupational Therapy

What Is Paediatric Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapists aim to help children become confident interacting in their natural environments and cincrease their independence in their daily activities. We help children to develop skills to engage and complete meaningful activities in their everyday lives.

Independence & Daily Living Skills

Promote independence in activities of daily living (e.g. self-care, school, playing, socialising).

Developing routines, planning, prioritising and organizing activities for the day, week or term.

Gross Motor Skills

Improve balance, movement and coordination of the body to appropriately engage with others and the environment. This may include but are not limited to: walking, running, jumping, skipping, completing obstacle courses, participating in sport, being aware of their body position and movements in space.

Fine Motor Skills

Improve ability to manipulate handheld objects to complete daily activities at home, school and in the community. This may include but are not limited to: eating, grooming, dressing, drawing, handwriting, reading, playing sports etc.

Visual Perceptual and Intergation Skills

Improve ability to percieve and interpret visual infromation appropriately and use this visual infromation to better infrom actions and movements.

Emotional Regulation

Developing emotional awareness – being able to label and recognize their own emotions, other people’s emotions and understanding verbal and non-verbal emotional language. Developing and implementing self-soothing regulating strategies for the home, school and community.

Sensory Regulation

Developing an understanding of sensory needs and sensitivities. Implementing strategies to support the child’s sensory thresholds to improve their attention and concentration in the home, school and community.

Adaptions and Modifications

Recommend adaptations or specialised equipment for home and/or school to improve participation and engagement.